Sunday, August 3, 2008


Hello all

we made it home safe!!!!! We would really like to thank all of you for all of the love and support you have given all of us!! This trip would not have been possible with out you. We cant wait to see all of you! and tell you all about it!! We Love you all!!!!

God Bless


Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 31 and Campus Tour

Today was both Victoria and I day off. It felt great to sleep in. haha. we relaxed today and did some laundry. In the after noon, about 120 kids came from Rio 1 to swim. this was the fisrt time that B2B had done this. It went really well and the kids had a blast. it was crazy haha. We also gave them school supplies for the school year, shoes, and then a "happy meal bag" with lots of goodies.

here is a tour of our campus. Victoria nad I thought it would be easier for everyone to see what exactly we always talk about. And also how we have been living the last month.

There is another Video of one of the songs from our worship. the sound and voice quality is a little off, so sorry if it sounds weird.


Unfortunatly either video uploaded. I apologize. Ill try a little later.

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

John 10:10

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 30

The days are counting down!!! Its hard to believe that there are only a few days left. This month has gone by fast.
Today Victoria went hicking, yes thats right I said Victoria went Hicking....., At a place which I can barely say yet spell, but I do know it started with an H. haha. the took the kids from VDA and MDA. They had so much fun!!! Victoria showed me all her battle scares, and bruses. she said it was crazy but a blast. She drew a little blood on one of the branches, just a scrape, but she wanted me to tell you all that she went through blood and swet today for those kids!! haha. all is well, she says it was a once and a lifetime thing, but I dougbt it. She will do again haha.

I went with my group to Wal-Mart today. we bought supplies for Rayos de Luz. The New Property. We bought them a kitchen table and chairs, towels, a microwave, a stove, a refigerator, pots and pans, and a bunch of other things. Some of the group members bought them some soccer balls that they can play with also. After lunch we picked the kids up, and when to a place called Chipinque. It is a park on the top of the Sierra Madre's. It is at the northern part of Monterrey. They have a tone of play grounds and slides there. They had soo much fun and also we made them dinner. Hot timoles. they love it.


" Jesus said "If any one desires to come after me, then let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.""
Luke 9:23

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29

Today Victoria and her group worked on the property. House # 6 is almost done. They are putting the last of the tile in and the painying is almost complete. The kids from moniteil and vda came for a swim party, and cook out. She said they had soo much fun, and the kids did great!!

I went to RDL agan today, the new property, and we started cleaning the house , and putting the last touches on it. we still have a lot of work to do before the weekend, like plumbing and such, but it is really coming along!!! I built shelves and cabinets in the two dorms, and also in the front room where there grandmother will sleep. One of the other interns jessica helped me! The kids came to the new property today while we were working. It was so great to see them running around and playing. The mother and Father, and grandmother we so surprised. When the grandmother saw her room, she started to cry. I was soo happy and excited for them. I know God has truly been in there hearts through all of this, and he has spocken through the gift of this Home.

Here are some pics of the new home. There is a pic of the truck that they all ride around in and also the mom dad and grandmaother, with antonio, the B2B staff in charge of the project. he is all the way on the right.


We find home when we find the comfort of God in our Hearts

Monday, July 28, 2008

July 28

Today my group worked on the property, then we went to CHD and played with the kids. I painted and touched up spots on the outside of the clinic. john hopes to have the clinic open in a few weeks!!! Victoria went to Montiare de Amor. She got sick and kinda snoozed the whole day, but they were doing some constuction, and digging i heard. no worries, she is doing fine. all is well. today was hot. about 105. tom is suppossed to be about 107. but everything is great.!!! hope all is well back home!
"accepting is believing, believing is dreaming. dreaming the future. the future is in our hands"

Sunday, July 27, 2008

July 27

Today Victoria went to the Caterayta. The did some outreach and then fed the kids Hot Dogs. This afternoon, the had a queansinyerra, for one of the girls turning 15. It is a whole elaborate ceremony, kinda looks like a wedding, and then they all have dinner, and party. Victoria said they did some salsa dancing again. I was Jealous. haha. She had a great day!!!

I went to Rayitos de Luz, the newest home B2B follows. They have 15 kids. Meamea one of the ladies who lives on campus every weekend found them. Mea mea lives at Rio 1, and stays here usually on the weekends. When she found them they were all huddled up in the back of 1974 ford pickup truck at asmall tienda. She really did not think of it at first, and just kept on. Later she wonder, and then went back, and they were still there. Meamea talked to them and told them about B2B. Turns out, they lived in a little shack, with 3 rooms no bigger than a closet. they had a metal roof, which is load when it rains, and extremley hot at all times of the day. the walls had holes in them, and there was no plumbing. The kids slepted 4 to one twin bed. and ate very very little. The husband and wife who take care of the kids began there story a few years ago. They wanted to have kids, but were unable. They found these 5 kids that needed a home so they took them in. The found more and more, they said and they felt that God was calling them to these kids.

Last September B2B got involved. 4 families raised the funding to temperaly move them into a home down the street. this home is no bigger, infact it is a little smaller, but it has plumbing, and electric. the rooms, still three, and very small, but nicer. the kids still sleep 4 to abed. they raised enough to rent it for a few months. Meanwhile, B2B was looking for a new property to build on. they found an area that they loved, but the land owner wanted $160,000 for it. an he said if you could get all the money at once he would drop it $120,000. So B2B kept looking. they talked withone of the atourneys down here and told hime about the property they wanted. The man said he would see what he could do and he would let them know in 4 months if they had any plans. B2B still went on looking, praying, but checking new areas. within 4 weeks, the atourney called and said that some of his friends had done a few fundraisers, and raised some $. He told them that they had raised $100,000!! this was awesome and 3 months early. B2B had a few families that had raised $25,000 for the home. it was perfect. they call the land owner and they bought the property for $120,000. The property already had a home on it with a small field, a pool, bathrooms, and two other buldings. it also came with some chickens. they are gonna use then for fresh eggs in the morning. So At the begginning of vthe summer, B2B was able to gain acces to the new property and started renovating the existing home. Groups have been working all summer to prepare it for the kids. Tomorrow a group is going to wal-mart to buy bunk beds, and supplies for them. The property is far from being finished, but the house is almost completly renovated. The plan is to move them in this weekend. Ia m so sad we will be gone. But each kid will have there own bed, and there own space, very small, but there own. They have a big kitchen where they will have tables to actually eat at. Real plumbing, and freash water. The property has its own well and water pump. They plan on bulding another buliding in the field next to the other home. it will be dorms for the older kids.

It is so amazing that the kids will be moving in this weekend. It is truly a miracle that this all happened in one year. It was expected to take over 4 years. God works in wonderous ways. The power of prayer is truely powerful!! I ask all off you to please keep these children and there home in your thoughts and prayers this weekend. As they take literally the biggest step of there entire lives. Thank You!!!!


"The power of Prayer and Love is far stronger than any streangth. The heart shall Love, The Heart shall See. Gods plan has just begun. and a New Beggining is just around the courner"

I forgot to take pics of the property, ill be there this week again though. here is there old home though.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 26

This morning we prepared for the groups. I fixed the truck bed on one of the trucks. some boards had broken off of it. Then the groups showed up. there was literally a giant mound of donations. which is good, but crazy and heavy haha. Wwe had 3 childrens homes come this afternoon. The kids are so great and cute. Del Norte Kids came so Victoria was able to se Jaunita again. We have decided that she will def fit in our carry on. haha. she is soo cute. We able to get her to smile and talk alittle today!! very exciting!! Vita cooked her famous chicken mashed potatoes and noodles for dinner. mmmmmm sooo good. Victoria is picking up the cooking skills so she will gladly make everyone a plate when we get back haha.
As the last week begins, God begins to remind us that this experience carries on through our lives. that truly this satrday is a new beginning, and our lives will, and have changed forever. The future is in Gods hands, and we fully trust in him to lead us into eternity!


"The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you."

(2 Chronicles 15:2)

Friday, July 25, 2008

July 25

Today the groups left. It was sad, but we have 5 groups coming tom. it is our biggest week yet. were going out with a bang!! haha. tonight we are going to the movies to see hancock and then to the mall and out to dinner. We cant wait!! It is hard to believe that this experience is coming to an end so quickly. At times it seems like it has never even been three weeks but one. God has amazing plans foreveryone and it is neat, and confusing at times, to see out it plays out.

Hope all is well back home!!


"our biggest challenge in life, is accepting who we are, then finding our gifts, and using them to make a difference in others "

Thursday, July 24, 2008

July 24

Hello all,

today is my day off. It felt great to sleep in!! I made some grilled cheese for lunch. very good!

In our Bible study last night, we talked about a verse in Luke. Jesus says, "repent of your sins, take up my cross, and follow me." We talked about each line and its context. It was cool to see what some of the other guys think. We talked alot about what a true christian is and how God wants us to live. we read last week about a verse in galations, that stated, "as long as you follow the Holy Spiri, sinning should be imposible. Wwe said it is possible, but is it plausible. we are human. but that verse reminded me of the first verse for this week. and if we truly give up our sins and act in the Holy Spirit, then our lives with God would be simple. No ones perfect, but the action of trying is what is important. If we take up the cross, and truly follow Jesus, our ever lasting life is erternal. Jesus asks us to "follow him", not anyone else, but Jesus, the son of God.

God Bless all of you, and please continue to keep the Hartmann family in your thoughts and prayers.


also heres a pic of the TV cabnet I helped build!!!!

"The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where the stand in times of challenge and controversy."

Martin Luther King Jr.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 23

Hello all
thank you soo much fot the B day messages. they made my day!!!!!! I had a great day, we went to CHD and worked!! Victoria went to the Rio 3, and did some outreach and concrete work. Vita cooked dinner tonight and it was awesome. we had Bible study after worship tonight and we went to Manhattan, a resturant like Fridays. sooo good, then they bought me a double mocha make. yea i gained few, but its all good haha. It was a great day, and tom is my day off, so i get to relax!!!!! Victoria is doing alot better!! and I ask all of you to please continue to keep her and her family in your prayers. Thanks agin everyone, cant wait to see you all in a week and a half. Love you all!
"Prayer is the true ultimate source of power and Love"